Masters of Arts in Christian Counseling (M.A.C.C.)
Masters of Arts in Christian Counseling Courses 46 Hour Professional Degree Course Description
19701 Research Methodology and Thesis: 3 Credit hours and 1 Credit Hour for Lab (Total Credit Hours- 4)
19822 Apologetics: 3 Credit Hours and 1 Credit Hour Lab (Total Credit Hours - 4)
18633 Ethics, Competence, and Professional Issues in Cross-Cultural Counseling: 3 Credit Hours and 1 Credit Hour Lab (Total Credit Hours - 4)
19201 Logic and Systematic Thinking Theology Theory System: 3 Credit Hours and 1 Credit Hour Lab (Total Credit Hours - 4)
18013 Human Learning and Communications Theory: 3 Credit Hours and 1 Credit Hour Lab (Total Credit Hours - 4)
18711 Counseling Conflict Resolution Styles: 3 Credit Hours and 1 Credit Hour Lab (Total Credit Hours- 4)
17500 CN Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories Pastoral Psychology 3 Credit Hours and 1 Credit Hour Lab (Total Credit Hours -4)
16920 CN Multicultural Counseling in the 21 First Century: 3 Credit Hours and 1 Credit Hour Lab (Total Credit Hours - 4)
19480 Mediation and Conflict Resolution: Getting To Yes: 3 Credit Hours and 1 Credit Hour Lab (Total Credit Hours - 4)
18420 CN Measurements and Assessment and Human Mind: 3 Credit Hours and 1 Credit Hour Lab (Total Credit Hours - 4)
18770 CN Marriages and Family Theory 21 First Century: 3 Credit Hours and 1 Credit Hour Lab (Total Credit Hours - 4)
19901 Masters Research Thesis and Defense: 6 Credit Hours or Comprehensive Examination
Total Credit Hours 46
Mediation Credential
In class CEU 40 Basic Mediation Training clock hours
In class CEU 30 Hours of Marriage and Family clock hours
In class CEU 6 Hours of Texas BAR approved Ethics
Total of 76 CEU
Texas mediation certification in Basic Mediation and Marriage and Family Mediation upon graduation and completion of the Masters program.
The Christian Counseling Profession
The counseling profession helps people to become self-aware, growth-oriented and effective in mastering the challenges of life. Counselors, as skilled, perceptive, broadly-educated professionals, assist clients in identifying areas for improvement and in carrying out changes that promote life fulfillment. Drawing upon a foundation of research and theory in philosophy, psychology and education, counselors use therapeutic skills and consultation techniques with both individuals and groups. In any setting, the goal of counseling is to help people expand their potential, facilitate development and live more satisfying and productive lives.
Educational Objective
Three-dimensional persons, as spiritual-psychological-biological-relational beings, will acquire a clear professional understanding and articulate the core dynamics of counseling in concert with sound theological principles to obtain, process, and demonstrate appropriate psychotherapeutic skills used in working with individuals and groups.
Professional Objectives
Masters students embark on a life journey as a professional Christian counselor and acquire knowledge in a variety of clinical settings, private, institutional, community, ecclesiastical, ethnic, and culturally and socioeconomically diverse situations.
The Master of Arts in Christian Counseling (MACC) program is designed to provide graduate counseling courses to those seeking to integrate their Christian faith with sound counseling ministry practice. The program is designed to provide the coursework and training that will help guide the MACC graduate's counseling practice. The Christian counseling program will also provide high quality, research-based counseling for those interested in entering the Christian counseling field. The Counseling program seeks to provide Christian training in biblical, theological, and psychological disciplines. Those who complete this training program in counseling may expect significant growth in their professional development in preparation for Christian and/or secular employment opportunities.
A major feature of the program is the Mediation credentialing process. Students will often have opportunities to participate in seminars, workshops, staff meetings, group supervision, and other professional development.
This program blends on-campus residency sessions, and practical application in the student's home community to offer one of the best mediation programs in the country today. The program will allow you to develop and practice the skills you need to guide the conflict-resolution processes through face-to-face learning and field work. Our program's strong theoretical foundation coupled with intensive hands-on experience will give you a solid grounding in the best practices in this important field.
The Masters students will receive valuable education for professionals working in the field of ministry including the various forms of mediation such as working with the courts, family life programs, child care and juvenile facilities, health care institutions, professional organizations, chaplaincy programs, and in ecclesiastical settings. The program will allow each student to be an effective and artful mediation practitioner immediately upon graduation.
Professional mediators students will find the program designed to enhance their work within the judicial system by elevating their professional status as peers among attorneys, judges, legislative administrators, and other members of the legal profession. Ministry professionals, whether serving in health care, ecclesiastical, judicial or educational institutions, will find their professional profile elevated.
What is Mediation?
Mediation is one form of Alternative Dispute Resolution. It is widely used in family law cases in Texas. Mediation is a process where the parties to a dispute meet with a neutral trained facilitator, called a “mediator”, to try to resolve areas of conflict. The parties, their attorneys, if applicable, and the mediator discuss the goals of each party, the reality of each party’s position and explore possible solutions.
The mediator facilitates the exchange of information and settlement alternatives between the parties. Mediation is characterized by a business-like, cooperative climate which sets the stage for constructive communication in the future. Accordingly, mediation is used extensively in family disputes, particularly those involving child custody issues.
The mediator establishes and enforces procedures which are fair and even-handed and which provide all sides a chance to be heard. Mediation also provides an opportunity to express emotions or frustrations which may be blocking negotiations and to address these underlying concerns in a controlled environment. The mediator acts as an agent of reality helping parties think about their claims and ensuring that all parties participate in fashioning any settlement agreement
The length of time needed for a mediation depends on the complexity of the dispute, the commitment and communication skills of the parties and the orientation or limitations of the mediator. Many disputes can be resolved in one mediation session of two to four hours; other cases may require multiple sessions.
Mediation gives the parties more control than a trial, certainty on the result, saves trial costs, helps save the Court’s time, and is generally a friendlier process for the parties. Most clients prefer making their own decisions rather than leaving their fate to a judge who does not know them or their children. Another strong selling point of mediation is that the parties do not need to “air their dirty laundry” in a public forum.
Mediators provide a safe and cooperative environment which encourages open and honest discussion. The mediator’s role is an impartial one, identifying issues, exploring underlying interests, suggesting options and balancing power. Mediators encourage the parties to put the past behind them and to focus on the present and future.
Mediation is a confidential process. The mediator cannot be called as a witness at trial. If no settlement is reached, the mediator will notify the court but will not include any details. Most mediators destroy all notes taken at the end of mediation. No tape recorders are allowed at mediation. No Service of Process (subpoenas, summons, citations, writs, etc.) is allowed at or near the mediation site.